Technology Educator Helpful Resources:

Network with other educators and explore the digital library through Wisconsin Department of Instruction WISELearn
Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows you to narrow your Google search results to journals and other scientific research, making it easier to find articles and educational studies.
NMC Horizon Report
The New Media Consortium publishes annual reports discussing current and future trends in education. The NMC Horizon Report offers important information to help educators make decisions about purchases and initiatives in their classrooms and schools.
USDOE Office of Educational Technology
The USDOE visits schools across the country and determines what’s working and what isn’t. The website contains a wealth of research and publications that will help you effectively integrate technology in your classroom.
ESSA Report
The Center for Digital Education produced the ESSA, Ed Tech, and the Future of Education report in early 2017 about current practices and the future of UDL, blended learning, project-based learning and other educational topics.